DIY Book Blog


DIY Book Blog

Spring Break and summer are fast approaching, now is a great time to update your craft books, drawing books, and cooking books. Kids who are engaged in creative projects are always a winner. Here are some styles of books to keep your kids engaged through Spring Break or summer break:

  1. Kids who learn to cook with mom and dad tend to be more adventurous in eating. They are more willing to try new foods that they have helped make them. That goes for veggies too. Try our titles of “Eye-Opening Breakfasts in 15 Minutes or Less”, “The Awesome Book of Edible experiments for Kids”, or “Cook It: The Dr. Seuss Cookbook for Kid Chefs”.
  2. Crafting has many positive effects on kids, from boosting their confidence and self-esteem to improving fine motor skills, critical thinking, and coordination. Try our titles of “Create Joy with Crafts” or “Build your own Dinosaur”.
  3. STEAM projects created at home also boost critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and collaboration. Try our titles of “Geology Projects Your Way”, “STEM in the Garden”, or “Tech-Free Activities in the Yard”.
  4. Drawing books (and drawing in general) help kids build concentration skills, creativity, fine motor skills, confidence, and independence. Try our titles of “Let’s Draw Wild Animals” or “Kawaii Cuties”.

One thing all these activities have in common is reading. The best part is that when kids are engaging in these fun activity books, they are not focused on how they are also enhancing their reading skills. Not only their reading skills but learning how to follow directions and making connections between the pictures in the book and what is in front of them. All of which leads to problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, math, and more.

We all know about the summer slide. Kids go on summer vacation with no formal reading or learning activities scheduled for the summer. This can lead them to fall behind by two months or more. There is a fix, which is engaging in reading and learning in everyday experiences. So, bring on the DIY books. What’s a better way to incorporate learning than by hands-on activities that can be done solo or with the family.

Check out all our craft books, drawing books, cookbooks, and STEAM books on our website here!

Written by Nancy Stetzinger, Penworthy’s Product Manager


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